Climate science update: Not much time

Greenland and the Arctic are in big trouble, and you should care

Swirling sea ice off the coast of Greenland. @bberwyn photo.

I had a chance to do some in-depth reporting on climate change in the Arctic and on Greenland, and the news continues to get worse. We need to cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, and we need to start right now.

The changes that have already happened in the Arctic are already affecting millions of people who live in the Arctic, and they will affect many more around the world by shifting weather patterns, making drought and other extremes more likely.

The impacts to the Arctic are outlined in the latest Arctic Report Card. You can read about it in this story for InsideClimate News.

And last week I wrote about the acceleration of melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. If this rate keeps accelerating, coastal cities will be swamped long before they are ready for it.

Published by Bob Berwyn

Environmental journalist covering climate change, forests, water, mountains and biodiversity.

3 thoughts on “Climate science update: Not much time

  1. I am always frustrated by the Green-Washing by local governments as well as businesses who claim to be going carbon-neutral or 100% renewable energy. The claims ignore the impact of transportation. Transportation is an enormous consumer of energy and release of atmospheric carbon. Another problem is the lack of control over population growth, often in the most vulnerable parts of the earth, with huge impacts on food supply, carbon emissions, and immigration. Progress seems to be lagging. The impacts of climate change are already affecting the planet.

  2. Hey, welcome back to my “inbox”. It’s been ages! With over 400 emails a day, mostly environmental, I didn’t even realize yours was missing, til now.Sylvia Cardella California

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